Recruitment Advertising

Free CV database and Free Vacancy Advertising!

Well not a bad offer, but a real one none the less.

Although Smuz had a mention in one of the recruiter magazines, I some how managed to miss the article. So lucky for me that Paul Pickthone the MD decided to make me aware of his product via a comment made on the post about SimplyHired.

What made me want to get in touch with Paul was because his product is uniquely different and works in tandem with SimplyHired and other similar sites. The huge difference is that his has a free cv database and more importantly for those who do not have an xml feed, you can load vacancies manually to smuz, very handy if you are not a programmer like me!

There is an American feel to the site when you set up an account, but rest assured Paul is in fact English and is an ex recruiter, it´s just that he is now living in the States and fortunately for him SimplyHired and Indeed now target the UK and therefore so can Smuz.

So I suggest if you have not opened an account already then you should, one because it is free and secondly it will help Paul develop the UK, because if we help him succeed we reap the benefits.

It is worth noting that the UK cv database is still small, but the more people who know the quicker it will grow of course.

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