careers, Recruitment Video

How I became

randsted-how-i-becameI have to smile given how often I write content on Recruitment Views, but the last few days there seems to be a bit of a theme. So when I was sent this press release from Randstad it felt almost a perfect way to bring a finish to my recent posts, with the theme being it is all about you!

There was no intention to this theme apart from a reflection on my life, in that we can achieve all that we want and without doubt it is not always as we intended, which the introductory film below certainly emphasises.

On reflection as a recruiter you sometimes forget the role you have in peoples careers and at times it can be just a case of shifting bodies. Unfortunately we do have a tendency to put square pegs into square holes, but when we do put a round peg into a square hole, you may have launched that candidate into a new career. There is a tremendous satisfaction in this, particularly when the client is adamant he wants a square peg.

So as a recruiter it is worth watching not just because it was directed by BAFTA winning documentary maker, Ben Anthony. but it reminds us why we do recruitment and also reflects on who we are and where we are heading.

Apart from this they have put together a series of interviews of various careers at which is a hub for a series of inspiring films from candidates who work in a range of business sectors, from civil engineering and education to nursing and finance.

If you get nothing else from this, apart from the fact that it is never too late then you will enjoy

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