Over the last couple of weeks I have been promoting my directory and its ability to get your website further up the Google rankings, now I know emails can get binned but I was surprised how few have taken up the offer!
Fortunately for those that have, have already seen a marked improvement in there position, which I have gone into more detail below. What it does highlight is that either nobody reads their emails or recruiters just do not get the internet let alone social media. When you add the fact that 99% of the companies that have requested a link or a guest post have been been from marketing companies, you then realise that recruiters in general have no idea.
Maybe because I am in front of the computer all day I have slowly got to grips with the web and realised that with a little effort you can achieve a huge amount. From your perspective you should consider that over 70%, start their search for a job via Google and other search engines when looking for jobs (According to the NORAs). We all know this is obvious, but it is surprising how few have used this free source to drive more candidates and clients to their company. This in turn gives you a huge advantage, because so few companies do understand. Just to give you an idea what Google can do, for a brief period I used their adwords campaign and I was surprised just how well it worked I wrote about it here but the key figs are below:
Some figures, from my campaign I advertised for 2 months and during that time the ad appeared 46,000 times, 3,335 people clicked on the ad and just over 120 people registered. As a result it cost me £3.73 per candidate registered and they all were relevant.
Just to give you some more food for thought I have one website, where I have spent probably half a day ensuring it is SEO (Search engine optimized) friendly and I paid for one link from a website costing me £50 annum, it now generates for me just under £2000 per month, all from Google free searches. (Not recruitment I have to say)
Also on the recruitment side I have a website called www.international-welder.com, which I am looking to sell in case anyone is interested. This site has not had a update since the beginning of Jan 2010 and still it generates just under 5k hits a month and for certain keywords such as halliburton welding jobs is number 1 in Google (Moved up from 3 according to my stats below) obviously this generates free candidates for me, the only issue is I no longer do welding recruitment. The detail below shows you the position of some of the keywords on my site.
And finally one recent company www.brandrecruitment.co.uk who decided to run with a link from my site with the key word “marketing jobs” just a couple of weeks back, have now moved up 4 pages from 7 to 3, fortunately I remembered to take a snapshot of where it was positioned in Google before I added them to the directory. Update now on page two

As you can see by just doing one small thing you can have a huge influence on wheteher you company gets found on Google by potential clients and candidates. I could go on more but I would be more than happy to help if you wanted some pointers, but I suggest contacting a specialist it would be even worth a quick read of this article on SEO from an ex recruiter here too
And if you want to register on my Recruitment Directory just complete this form as you can see there are some huge benefits.