Recruitment Views

Absent but not forgotten

Well its quite late here in the UK and although I should write serious content, I just wanted to write a diary note to say that I am looking forward to my meeting in London on Thursday.

Although it is a networking meeting, I am just looking forward to saying Hi to fellow blogger, Louise of UK recruiter. It is funny writing a blog you form these impressions of other recruitment bloggers, each day I read their blogs and you formulate an impression of their personality.

OK this is a UK meeting but I couldn’t help feel I would be missing a few of the US recruitment bloggers and share a beer at the bar and have a laugh on how Joel managed to turn his blogging into a salaried job, or Jim with his microphone or even Dave getting me drunk at the bar persuading me to write an article to push his latest post.

It is the strangest feeling how I have become to love you all, I have learnt so much over a relatively short time I have been writing, in the end I suppose this article is just to say that although this is a UK meeting, it would be fun to meet some of you from the other side of the pond.

Still maybe one of these days we will find an excuse to all meet.


  1. That was an exceptionally touching post. I can assure you from across the pond and over the mountain passes here in Castle Rock Colorado, that the feeling is mutual. I trust Jim and Joel feel the same.

    That being said, we would never refuse the opportunity for a drink. 🙂

    Best wishes my friend

  2. Hi Stephen, I saw your blog and thought I’d write you an entry. I have been blogging since actually 2003 about the internet recruitment industry around but doing so with an Irish hat on. You can catch my blog at which has been around for a little while now. I am also a friend of Shally Steckler and have worked with him internally in Microsoft on a number of occasions.

    Keep up the good work

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