Recruitment News

Recruitment Views at Growth in Recruitment, Dublin

As you know I was little nervous in regards to my first guest speaking engagement, but hey we all have to start somewhere.

Still apart from the nerves I did enjoy the experience and benefited hugely from the research, I needed to do. The attendees where kind and appreciative and the wine after helped, it was just a pity I needed to catch a flight at 6 am in the morning.

I was also in accompaniment with guest speakers Enterprise Ireland’s Mr. Seán Faulkner, and Thomas International’s Mr. John Lynam, their expert knowledge was very informative. I was in awe of the support that Enterprise Ireland give to help Irish companies succeed, not only nationally but internationally, where as in the UK I have found the support to be very poor indeed. John opened my eyes once again to psychometric testing, as a tool to give recruitment consultants added value, but for me his description of a a Recruitment Consultant was on the nail!

Above is a photo of Action Recruitment‘s Helena Moir and Michelle Conaghan with Arithon’s Marketing Manager, Catherine Manley and of course yours truly before the wine kicked in.

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