Recruitment News

Scottish Recruitment Agencies Working Together

RANJobsOn Friday I had a press release from “The Recruitment Agency Network”, with their launch of RAN Jobs a new Job Board specifically for its members. Although this is a very tough market I wish them the best of luck, as their aim isn’t so much as competing with the likes of Monster but to help improve the experience of the candidate.

What I like about this initiative is that they want as a group to shout about what is good about recruitment, where candidates can apply to vacancies knowing that the agencies work to a higher standard of practice.

To start with RAN is open, initially, to Scottish-based recruitment agencies but is receiving enquiries from further afield and will be rolling out across the UK as soon as time and resources allow. To be considered you need to contact Ian Tickell on 07816 277604 or Roddy Hammond on 0141 226 2224, or by email to ian.tickell (at) to be invited to one of their two road shows in May

Monday 12th May 16:00 Clydesdale Bank Plaza, 50 Lothian Road, Edinburgh

Thursday 15th May 16:00 at Clydesdale Bank Exchange, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow

To finish I thought I would include this Quote from Gordon Adam of Head Resourcing, one of RAN’s Founders

“It takes a considerable leap of faith to work with companies that you’ve been in fierce competition with for years.” says Gordon Adam of Head Resourcing. “However, in the best interest of our candidates, our clients, and the recruitment profession we believe that this is the right direction. We’ll still compete as individual businesses, but we’ll be able to better champion the industry by supporting RAN’s aims and objectives.”

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