Press Release

Anger Awareness Week brings more support than ever before

Anger Management Expert Julian Hall is getting excited about Anger Awareness Week (December 1st to 7th). “This year we have more support than ever before available for those that have relationships with anger in them.”

Each year the British Association of Anger Management (BAAM) uses Anger Awareness Week to bring to the attention of everyone that we all live with anger and that it can be expressed in a healthy way. Julian says “this year we have a mixture of fun stuff and serious support out there as well.“

This year Beating Anger and BAAM have organised –

  • An updated version of their famous Keep Your Cool Kit.
  • You can take their Stress Test online
  • You can take their Anger Test online
  • You can submit an entry into their Angriest Photo competition to win free support
  • You can view their “Saving Relationships Video”
  • You can take advantage of a limited number of assessment appointments discounted by over 50%
  • Book onto an Anger Management Taster Evening in January.

The Mental Health Foundation’s Boiling Point report showed almost a third of people polled (32%) say they have a close friend or family member who has trouble controlling their anger and more than one in ten (12%) say that they have trouble controlling their own anger. In addition one in five of people (20%) say that they have ended a relationship or friendship with someone because of how they behaved when they were angry.

When asked how serious the Angriest photo Competition is Julian replied “ while there is clearly a fun side to that we also want to raise everyone’s awareness of how scary they can be when they are angry. “

Julian founded Beating Anger Derby in 2010 with the support of BAAM and since then has helped over 200 people with their anger.  BAAM has been in existence for over 13 years and has helped over 4000 people. If you want to know more about your anger visit .

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