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Guy Kawasaki on Linkedin

Just in case no one has spotted this, as Guy Kawasaki isn’t your typical Recruitment Blogger, but I do read his posts regularly. What I do like about his blog is that it has a broad business appeal and in particular it suits management, entrepreneurs and the driven amongst us.

The reason for pointing out this post today is that he has compiled a list of the 10 ways to use linkedin for those who cannot see the benefit. Mind you he has pointed out 11! What I like about the post is that the list isn’t from a recruiters perspective and therefore gives an alternative advantage.

His points include the following

Increase your visibility.
Improve your connectability.
Improve your Google PageRank.
Enhance your search engine results.
Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference checks.
Increase the relevancy of your job search.
Make your interview go smoother.
Gauge the health of a company.
Gauge the health of an industry.
Track startups.
Ask for advice.

To learn more I suggest you pop over and take a look!

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