Recruitment Views

Happy Birthday Recruitment Views!

Although I have been blogging for just over 12 months, Recruitment Views has finally made its first birthday, I almost cannot believe it.

It’s been fun and I have learnt so much over that time, but I am not going to boor you with all the details now, I will save that for another day. 😀

I have to apologise for the lack of post over the last couple of weeks, as I have been mad busy, but at last I have managed to get my blog roll up to date, well almost. I know there are a few missing friends so if you think you should have been included just send me a reminder.

Although I have not posted for a while I cannot say that I have not noticed the stirrings between Dan Maguire and Peter Gold, is Peter after some cheap publicity or did he have some value. Still Dan can look after himself and he will need to adapt to changes like us all to survive, but one thing is for sure any good consultancy should be analising their ad response, otherwise it is wasted money and Dans software certainly makes that easier.

To finish on one thought in regards to RSS feeds for vacancies, I am confident this will become more important in the future, but without the ability to analysis which sites are providing quality candidates, then we are just stabbing in the dark and that is no way to run a business.

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