Recruitment News

Help Wanted for Successfull Recruitment Expansion

Colin has contacted me to see if any of my readers could help with an article he is writing at present on How to Take Your Recruitment Business To The Next Level if you can Colin’s email is at the bottom of this entry

Many recruiters are happy with what they have got. Business is running smoothly enough, and life is good. But what about those more driven recruiters who want to develop their businesses by opening a new branch, moving into a new area of the country, expanding into an additional sector of the market, or more ambitiously still buying a rival?

The article would look at what is involved for recruiters who want to take their business to the next level.

Issues covered would include funding, and staffing, and how to decide which expansion strategy is best for you. (Is organic growth, for example, better than acquisition?) Also risks, such as taking your eye off the ball i.e. your existing business, and generally over-extending yourself. (Research shows that a common reason for business failure is that firms expand to fast and run out of money.)

Another issue is that in running a bigger company an owner may have to adapt to a different and unfamiliar role, something not everyone can do. The article would include helpful sources of information and advice.

I would be interested to hear about recruiters experiences. What difficulties did you experience? How did you overcome them? What planning did you do? How did it affect your working life day to day? How did it change the staff, and the culture of the company? What was the reaction of clients? Was it worth it? In what way would you do it differently? Would you do it again?

If you think you can assist, please contact Colin Cottell at or ring him on 07811 050623.

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