Recruitment News

Is this the next Jobster or Linkedin

Today I was contacted by Jonathan Philips of Ebeebo, a strange web name name but memorable. Still it cannot be that easy to find a good domain these days with so many companies hoping to profit from them.

The site is in Beta and as a result Jonathan is looking for as much feed back as possible to take it out beta and ideas to help improve the site.

After having a play I came away thinking that this could really work on a number of levels, probably because it has taken the best bits out of Jobster and Linkedin and it is for the UK. Although I feel the concept is a good one, my only reservation is that it may not suit companies with huge volumes as it could be time consuming.

What I do like is that Ebeebo could really help differentiate the more professional consultants amongst us with their Red card system and will show up the cowboys who keep giving us a bad name. I also feel that this could certainly help the smaller consultancies or career consultants, as you will have access to a potentially huge database for free or £4.99 per month, how much are Monster charging us at the moment! 

So I really hope the site takes off, as I am hundred percent behind anything that improves standards and brings down recruitment costs.


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