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Now the Xmas turkey has been eaten

The TurkeyNow the Xmas turkey has been eaten, and I have a few minutes to contemplate the future of this here blog, I almost do not know where to start.

Saying that a logical place would be to make a few New Years resolutions, albeit early as I will have no chance after the 1st of January.

1) Not to sit on those hard cold calls (I think I say that every year, one day it will stick)

2) Post quality content, when I have something to say!

3) Find and Motivate other UK Blogger’s, surely there must be more of us.

4) I need to find more humor and maybe put a little more of me here too.

5) Network more, can you believe I am really shy in this industry!

6) Have fun

7) This is for my Boss, Drive Arithon to its full potential.

8) 9) and 10) Well I think I shall and add those later after some reflection, in fact for 8 while I think of it should be to comment more on other blogs, a must for a true blogger.

Other than that I wish 2007 the best recruitment blogging year for all.

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