Recruitment Video

Recruitment Videos, has the UK been left behind?

During my continual crawl of the web for news in the recruitment industry, I came across a video by Mybloglog, a recent start up who I am sure will go on and be a star for Yahoo. For me I just love seeing my picture on other peoples blogs, am I vain! By the way they are recruiting for a Army of Software Engineers at the moment.

To be honest I found their recruitment video via, another recruitment video job board, who are due to launch in Autumn. What did catch my attention was not so much the $10,000 referral fee for web developers they had advertised, but the lack of UK companies with Recruitment Video’s. OK this isn’t surprising as they are a Canadian company, but even so there are very few on Youtube.

Now our American counterparts have taken advantage of this medium, probably inspired by Google’s recruitment video followed by the Army, the Police, the Fire Brigade, the Libraries, Dominos Pizza and many other smaller American companies, many of whom I have show cased here.

So what’s going on in the UK, are they scared to to embrace using video on youtube, or nervous of what people will say on the social networking sites, or is it the Ad agencies not wanting to loose their cut on media sales. I just cannot believe the likes of Tesco’s cannot see the advantage of utilising this form of media to help promote an image to recruit candidates.

Still I am sure Peter Gold Don Sumners, Matt Alder or Tim Elkington have plenty to say on this subject, as experts in recruitment and media or should I just ask the Guru?


  1. Stephen – Thank you for linking over and making mention of Standout Jobs.

    Just a quick note – the referral reward offered by Edvisors was $10,000 not $100,000. Both numbers are big, but $100,000 would really be something!

    I’m glad you like the MyBlogLog video and I’d love to get additional feedback from you and your peers in the HR/recruiting industry.

  2. Stephen – You are right not enough companies / organisations are taking advantage of the UK’s high broadband penetration by posting videos online. This is changing though and more are starting to appear but mainly on their own sites at the moment.

    The key issue here though is ironically rather an old fashion one…distribution. Online promotion via video needs careful planning if you want to make the most of the huge potential audience and have people actually watch it. If all you do is post it on Youtube the chances of it only getting tens of views rather than thousands are very high. Sometimes orginal / amusing / strange content cuts through and goes viral, but it is very difficult to second guess what is going to do that…..Star Wars Kid, piano playing cats etc!

    So it not just producing videos that corporate recruiters have to get to grips with, it’s also how they get people to watch them. If done and promoted properly I do agree that they are a powerful tool.

  3. Hi Stephen – thanks for the ‘invitation’ to comment on videos. I agree that online videos have got massive potential for employers in terms of how they engage with candidates. We’re so excited about the potential that we’ve partnered with RecruiTV in the States to provide videos to UK employers (sorry for the blatent plug) – we’ve also done our own video, just to see how easy the process was, that you can see on the Enhance Media site.

    I’m not sure that distribution via You Tube etc is the way to go, but an online video hosted on the corporate careers site as part of a strategy to educate and communicate with potential candidates should play a significant role on behalf of an employer. The issue then is to drive traffic to the site – using the usual channels such as job boards, search engines etc.

  4. Distribution is definitely an issue, but you don’t need a video to go hugely viral for it to be worthwhile. Part of the video’s purpose is to promote the company overall, but a recruitment video needs to bring applicants in the door. And you can do that with some smart distribution in key places. You won’t get 1,000,000 views necessarily; but you can get the views you need, in the right audiences.

    Tim – I know the RecruiTV people. They’re doing some very good video work. Standout Jobs isn’t focused exclusively on video production like RecruiTV, although what we’re showing to-date is focused on video. We’re launching in the Fall with a bigger product offering.

  5. Im sure UK companies will follow suit and start to target candidates through video on social media platforms and Youtube, not as a sole way to advertise positions, but as one that could generate some targeted candidate base.

  6. All the above comments are indeed true – online video and its distribution is the question we get asked alot – how can we create one, what do we do with the created one and how do we engage enough people to make the effort worthwhile.

    This is a blatant plug as Talent on view does the above and more

    We have a video platform which enables the recruiter / business to create /send/share videos at a fraction of the cost of the competition.

    With a Talent on View subscription you have unlimited capability in regards to viewing/ streaming and uploading.

    Talent on View provides each video with the ability to embed into your own corporate site as well as distribute to multiple targets at one time.

    We also have which enables the job board to have video capability on both candidate and client sides.

    If there is anyone who has any confusion regarding the video space drop me a line and I am happy to discuss.

  7. I have just picked up Tim Elkington’s comment and subsequent bloggers/comments regarding video production for UK employers. Clearly the original blogg was from 2007 – but even then, there was plenty of activity already in this space and I felt that my 2 pennies worth would be more valuable aired than not – even though it is 2 years late!

    Why on earth use a US company for UK employers, when there are already well established (although not as aptly named!) video production houses in the UK, offering cheaper, better and thoroughly reliable services, specifically for the recruitment market?

    Ginger Goose ( is a recent spin out from a company that has been shooting videos for some of the more forward thinking clients and recruitment agencies for the last 5 years – having produced videos for ADT, Lloyds Pharmacy, 3 Mobile, BAA, Hays, BT, DWP, as well as for many leading schools and colleges.

    They won the “best innovation in recruitment” award at the RAD’s in 2005 for producing a series of videos for 3 Mobile which could be viewed on the 3 network as well as online. The videos produced an 86% improvement in the relevance of responses, according to the HR Manager at the time and they went on to produce videos for all of their major locations and for their retail operations.

    The truth is that the UK recruitment advertising market has been pretty complacent and hasn’t pushed video until recently – but the opportunity has literally been staring them in the face for the last 5 years.

    The most likely progression of the use of this technology is in the online job board market, where Reed, Monster and others have pitched their “video production” stalls, hoping to snag unsuspecting punters who could be fooled into paying upwards of £10K for a 2-5 minute online video. My advice is SHOP AROUND, that’s a nonsense price for a recruitment video and you will get much more bang for your buck from a specialist production company with the skills knowledge and experience of the recruitment market and process to get the right message out to the right people.

    For more info about this and other related topics, including the explosion of video interviewing and video CV’s in the recruitment arena, please drop me a line.

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