Interview Tips

How to get an Interview (Recruitment Ads)

To get an interview the easiest and obvious route is to find a company that is actually recruiting at present, so you need to scour the press and the Internet.

The Internet to recruiting is the perfect marriage, it has revolutionised our industry to the point where most vacancies are now advertised. There is no need to wait for the newspaper or magazine to arrive to find your ideal role, because the job boards send the positions straight to your in box.

An important fact to note is that when it comes to finding a job, NOT all companies will advertise all their vacancies and NOT all agencies will deal with every company, so you will need to spread you net wide or you may miss some opportunities.

When it comes to the UK most agencies advertise on the web and two of the most popular are either Monster or TotalJobs or an industry specific as a general rule. Companies haven’t quite taken to the Internet as of yet, so they tend to use adverts in publications such as Newspapers or Magazines. Some companies will only use recruitment consultancies, and many will only use one, while others may use any, so if you are registered with one agency you could be missing out on some positions.

Boolean Search

I also recommend that when it comes to searching the Internet it is important to understand how to use the search function, the ideal system is called Boolean. Lets take for example if the position you want is a National Sales Manager, you need to put the phrase in speech marks i.e. “National Sales Manager” and if it is a particular market you want such as FMCG or computer’s then the use of AND is important and of course maybe location so as to bring the choice of possibilities down from thousands to a more manageable number, so the search will look like this:

“National Sales Manager” AND “FMCG” AND “Cheshire”

With this search criteria you get 431 with Google, which is down from 18,000, without the speech marks and the use of AND. Also a useful tip is to use the term NOT particularly if you get a large return for a particular area that is not relevant and you will find that some job boards also operate the same function.

In addition if you load your details onto the Job Boards then the agencies will contact you and have Job adverts emailed to you each time they are loaded onto the site that fits your requirements.


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