Recruitment Views

My Top 10 Non Recruitment Blogs

On a slight change of subject, which was inspired by a recent dumping of some of my RSS feeds. No recruitment feeds were dropped, before anyone shouts at me!

I just had to do it, I found I was getting nothing done with the overload of information coming through on Google Reader these days. So something had to change, if my wife was ever to see me in the evening again.

Mind you I am sure a few of us recruitment blogger’s must feel the same way. So after deleting some big names in particular Techcrunch and Endgadget, not because I didn’t rate them, but they just posted to often. In fact I was deleting them before I was reading them just to keep up.

After wielding the knife, I was left with my favorite non recruitment blogs and I thought I would pass them on, just incase you want to ad them to your reader, yeh!

  1. A Welsh View an absolute must in my opinion, and certainly puts a smile on my face after a bad day at the office.
  2. Daily Writing Tips almost a complete necessity for me, you never know maybe one day my grammar will improve!
  3. SkySports (Crystal Palace) I don’t want to miss their latest signings, sad I know.
  4. John Railton Paintings A very good friend of mine from school and an excellent painter, would you believe now my brother in law.
  5. Notes in Spanish I really need to listen to their podcasts more, how else will my Spanish improve. Just in case I get to meet El Dave of course
  6. Lifehacker if you want to keep up with the latest tricks and downloads for getting the best out of your PC.
  7. Lorelle on WordPress well if you blog is on wordpress, then you have no choice.
  8. The Evil HR Lady, ok its recruitment, but hey she isn’t a recruitment consultant and as a recruiter everyone in HR are evil aren’t they!

Well that’s it, I obviously dug deeper than I thought but maybe I will now get to bed before 12pm

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