Press Release

The New Service that Guarantees a Better Job!

Finding a better job and a happier future just got a whole lot easier thanks to an impressive new online service recently launched from ( The new website promises it can really helppeople identify the perfect role for them, one that really ‘fits’ them as an individual, and then provides a powerful toolset to help them land it. has received much praise from users as well as from professionals in the recruitment sector. Mark Adams, theformer CEO of Blue Arrow Recruitment, one of the UK’s largest recruitment businessessays“I am hugely impressed by PRISM profiling is a tool I know and respect as being very powerful. The on-line CV Wizard can generate CV’s that will truly impress and the information resources available here are first class. If this package doesn’t increase your job-hunting chances, then nothing will!”

Full membership to is still available for a limited period at the special launch price of just £97 and so confident are the people at that they are actually guaranteeing that those making use of the full toolset will be sure to find a better job within just 4 months. If not successful, members can request either a 100% no-quibble refund, or alternatively retain their membership and access to all the tools provided, with no expiry date and no further charge, making this powerful toolset available to help them throughout their whole working career.

The wide range of tools made available to members are centred on three key sections, UnderstandMe, PrepareMe and PresentMe.


It is estimated that a staggering 80% of the working population are unhappy in their job ‘to a significant degree’. uses PRISM, a much acclaimed and widely used neuroscience-based analysis tool to help members really understand what makes them tick. Each member’s own PRISM profile can be overlaid with ‘benchmarks’ for hundreds of roles. Only in a role that really ‘fits’ us can we be both happy and successful, and the people at don’t think that’s too much to ask.


The job marketplace can be a battlefield. The library of information at gives members help and advice on everything from job seeking, through to CV advice and interview tips. It you’re entering that battle, makes sure you’re appropriately armed.

And last but most certainly not least…


It’s irrelevant how great you may be. It’s accepted that CV’s have 10-30 seconds to make a good first impression; fail in this and it’s likely that your application will go no further. The ‘members only’ CV and Cover Letter Wizards provided are probably the best of their kind available anywhere. Members are tutored step by step through the on-line process of creating a great CV and Cover Letter that really makes the very most of themselves. Members can easily create applications tailored to specific roles, download and print CV’s and Cover Letters, or fax or email them directly from the site – instantly, and at no charge. Tracking the progress of applications is an additional useful feature providing automatic email follow-up reminders and much, much more.

An exciting and totally unique feature is that the CV Wizard is fully integrated with PRISM so members can even elect to include a short but incisive personal bespoke ‘PRISM CV Testimonial‘ directly into their CV. This independent assessment of their personal key strengths is seen by recruiters as a powerful statement showing that users take their career development very seriously.

Find out more about this unique new service by visiting the company’s website at


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